Here's my idea for today!!!!!
I soooo love MY HUMAN IS A RESCUE design, I have decided it would be super great on a t shirt for
people. So I am offering this design in my regular lineup and in addition, am going to put the Good Human paw print on the upper back of the shirt.. because if you have adopted a dog who, yes indeed, has rescued YOU, then you are a Good Human and deserve a pat on the back.
Thus the dog print on your back. What do you think???? Great, Brilliant, Fabulous Idea!!!
Right!!!!! Right. BARK ON!!!!!! And it's available on a doggie bandana as well... so human and dog will have a matching set... :) This can be marketed to dog gift shops PLUS animal rescue places.
We could even namedrop their name on the shirt... under the dog's face would be perfect, don't you think? I love it, love it...
Love it when I am brilliant. xoxoxo